“My Estonian and Lithuanian colleagues and I approved the idea to create the Baltic Defence Line. From a military perspective, this initiative will significantly boost our capability to protect our borders at the national level – we will be able to slow down and block the movement of potential aggressors more efficiently. This is a joint project for Baltic countries, which will also advance NATO’s collective defence,” Defence Minister Andris Sprūds commented.
In future, Baltic States intend to develop and install various anti-mobility infrastructure elements along the NATO and EU external border. This infrastructure should prevent and stop potential aggressors from advancing into the territory of the Baltic countries.
During the meeting, Baltic defence ministers also underlined the need to continue development of air defence capabilities, which are integral for regional security of. A memorandum of understanding regarding rocket artillery capabilities, signed by defence ministers, will further advance regional rocket artillery capabilities and promote interoperability training, artillery system maintenance and cross-border cooperation.
During the meeting, Baltic defence ministers reaffirmed their readiness to intensify continued support for Ukraine through various coalitions and agreed to provide mutual support in developing such coalitions. Baltic countries will also continue to offer training to Ukrainian troops.
Baltic defence ministers also confirmed their unanimous support for Ukraine’s NATO membership, which will be discussed during the forthcoming NATO Summit in Washington D.C., and country’s European Union accession. They also stressed the importance of further strengthening of NATO’s air defence systems in the Baltic region.
As announced earlier, Baltic defence ministers met for joint committee meeting in Riga on 18-19 January. Latvia was represented by Defence Minister Andris Sprūds, Lithuania by Defence Minister Arvydas Anušauskas and Estonia by Defence Minister Hanno Pevkur.
Baltic countries maintain a regular defence policy and capability dialogue at the level of ministers, armed force commanders and defence experts. This was the last Baltic Defence Ministers’ Committee meeting chaired by Latvia as rotating presidency of the trilateral defence ministers’ committee was transferred to Lithuania.