NSPA: 30 years of the Ammunition Support Partnership [VIDEO]

Source: NATO Support nad Procurement Agency (NSPA)

NSPA marks the 30th year anniversary of the establishment of the Ammunition Support Partnership (SP) in 1993.


For 30 years, NSPA has provided ammunition support to 26 NATO Nations and 2 Partner Nations through the Ammunition Support Partnership (SP). The Agency offers a proven multi-year, multi-national cooperation mechanism to convene nations, aggregate demand and allocate production capacity according to national priorities. The consolidation of requirements provides economies of scale, reducing costs and logistics footprint, and the legal framework offers a common and efficient support.



Over the years, the Ammunition SP has grown from 11 member Nations to 26 member Nations, across 50 customer groups. The scope of the current partnership covers a vast portfolio, providing more than 2000 different ammunition types. The yearly business turnover of the Ammunition SP is projected towards 1Bn Euros in 2024, as NSPA responds to urgent and increasing Nations requirements.


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The entire multi-year portfolio consists of EUR 4 billion from tasks to delivery. In 2023, 30 MEUR might be reached in customer savings due to aggregation of demand.

The Ammunition SP is at the forefront of various NATO initiatives to address the needs of Allies to expand munitions capabilities through the Battle Decisive Munitions (BDM) initiatives and the Defence Production Action Plan (DPAP) agreed at the NATO Summit in Vilnius in July 2023 and clearly demonstrates the benefits of leveraging NSPA’s capabilities and business model.


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