Rheinmetall and Lockheed Martin introduce Global Mobile Artillery Rocket System (GMARS)

Source: Rheinmetall

Rheinmetall and Lockheed Martin are presenting the Global Mobile Artillery Rocket System (GMARS) at Eurosatory 2024.


GMARS is a highly mobile, all-weather, 24/7 missile artillery system mounted on the tried-and-tested HX truck. The shoot&scoot-capable GMARS is equipped with a multiple rocket launcher with two pods and a fire control system. The GMARS 2-pod launcher can fire the entire MLRS ammunition family (MFOM). This makes GMARS compatible with all Lockheed Martin MLRS missiles in use with NATO forces. The inertial, GPS-supported navigation system of the GMARS enables precise fire support at short and long ranges – depending on the ammunition, already today at ranges of over 400 kilometres. Continuous further development of the missiles will enable this effective range to be increased even further in the future.



GMARS has a combat weight of significantly less than 40 tonnes. On the road, the system achieves a maximum speed of 100 km/h under nominal conditions and a range of up to 700 kilometres. With a width of 2.5 metres, a height of 3.9 metres and a length of 9.8 metres, it is mobile on all common roads, but also in rail transport without restrictions. In addition to the fact that GMARS does not need to be supported when firing, its high mobility contributes to its high shoot & scoot capability. GMARS also has an integrated crane system in the launcher, which enables safe and fast reloading 24/7 in all weather conditions.


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The crew consists of two soldiers, with the optional protected cabin offering a seat for a third crew member. GMARS has a high degree of component commonality with the M270/HIMARS rocket launcher and the Rheinmetall HX truck. This facilitates training and logistics and is also advantageous for interoperability with NATO forces using MLRS and HIMARS. The future- orientated design offers a high degree of flexibility for multi-domain operations.



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