Romania acquires Chiron (KP-SAM) air defence systems from South Korea

By Defence Industry Europe

On January 15, the Romanian government finalized an intergovernmental agreement with the Republic of Korea for the purchase of South Korean Chiron (KP-SAM) very short-range air defence systems.


The contract, valued at approximately USD 96.5 million, includes 54 man-portable Chiron (KP-SAM) launchers, an undisclosed number of anti-aircraft missiles, an initial logistics support package, documentation, technical support, training aids and services, among other items.

This acquisition is part of Romania’s ‘Strategic Umbrella’ (Umbrela Strategică), a programme designed to purchase various anti-aircraft means for the Romanian Armed Forces.  In 2022, a tender was held for the procurement of light anti-aircraft systems, and although the MBDA France Mistral 3 system was initially chosen, the process was later canceled.


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The selection of the LiG Nex1 Chiron system was first reported in Romanian media in mid-last year. Overall, Bucharest plans to spend around USD 680 million on short-range anti-aircraft systems, with the entire program having a budget of about USD 2 billion.

With this agreement, Romania becomes the first NATO country to use South Korean anti-aircraft defence systems.



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