Ukraine demonstrates drone swarm technologies for frontline operations

By Defence Industry Europe

The Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine recently organised a demonstration of cutting-edge drone and guided munition technologies developed by local manufacturers. This event, held in collaboration with Brave1 and supported by the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the General Staff, and the National Guard of Ukraine, highlighted Ukraine’s commitment to advanced defence capabilities.


The event served as a platform for key government agencies and the defence industry to work closely on improving the quality and functionality of these technologies. Herman Smetanin, Minister of Strategic Industries, emphasised the importance of cooperation in ensuring that “the presented solutions [are] as effective as possible on the front line.”



The demonstration featured seventeen Ukrainian manufacturers showcasing their innovations, with seven focusing on drone swarm technology for group missions and ten on guided munitions of various weights. These technologies, crucial for frontline success, promise to enhance the Ukrainian military’s operational reach and precision in challenging conditions.

Swarm drone technology is an advanced field that enables autonomous, coordinated group missions, reducing the need for manual operator involvement. The event included live tests of these drones in coordinated missions, with guided munitions also being tested in precision drop scenarios from over a kilometre in altitude.

Minister Smetanin highlighted the dual priorities of quality and quantity in this field, stating that “quality must come first” as the defence industry works to meet the Ukrainian armed forces’ evolving needs. This focus on operational suitability aims to ensure that equipment provided to the military is highly effective and adapted to the realities of modern warfare.



The demonstrations included input from military personnel, who, as end-users, provided valuable recommendations on potential improvements. Representatives from the SAR Research Institute and the State Research Institute were also present to advise manufacturers on developing test methods and certifications, streamlining the path from development to deployment.

Anna Hvozdyar, Deputy Minister of Strategic Industries, underlined the humanitarian impact of these technologies, noting, “Our goal is to help the Ukrainian military save lives…to replace humans with drones wherever possible, especially in high-risk situations.” Drones are already playing a role in combat, reconnaissance, and medical evacuation missions, a trend expected to expand as these technologies evolve.



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