Author name: Defence Industry Europe

On 14 December 2022 during a brief ceremony in Brussels, the OCCAR-EA Director Matteo Bisceglia, and the Director-General ‘Defence Industry and Space’ of the European Commission Mr Pesonen, signed the Contribution Agreements for two EDF Projects that OCCAR-EA will be managing under indirect management mode. The two projects are the European Patrol Corvette (EPC) and the European Hypersonic Defence Interceptor (EU-HYDEF).

OCCAR: EPC and EU-HYDEF Contribution Agreements signed

The agreements were negotiated between OCCAR and the Commission in a very short timeframe, which is a strong indicator of the very positive cooperation between both organisations. In his speech, the OCCAR-EA Director highlighted this good spirit and emphasized the objective that cooperation between OCCAR and the Commission should grow more and more in order to strengthen …

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