Creotech Instruments starts a cooperation with Hanwha Systems

Source: Creotech Instruments

On June 20, 2023, Polish company Creotech Instruments concluded a cooperation agreement with Hanwha Systems – a leading South Korean defence company. The company is part of the Hanwha Group, one of the largest industrial conglomerates in South Korea. The aim of the cooperation is to use the technological potential of the partners to create a joint product offer for the military and industrial sectors.

– Creotech Instruments is yet to commercialize the technologies we develop in the area of advanced electronics and satellite systems, and yet our solutions are already attracting great interest from global, leading entities in the high-tech area, such as the Korean Hanwha Systems, with whom we have just concluded a cooperation agreement. We will work together to expand the product range for various military and industrial applications, in particular in the area of small satellites based on the HyperSat platform developed by Creotech – comments dr hab. Grzegorz Brona, CEO of Creotech Instruments S.A.

Hanwha Systems is a global company based in South Korea, specializing in providing intelligent technologies that use a synergistic combination of advanced defense electronics and future-oriented ICT technology. It offers e.g. integrated solutions for intelligence and operations, providing technologies in the field of command, control, communication, IT and cyber-security. The scope of the company’s activities includes: defense technologies applicable on land, sea, airspace and space – providing, e.g. electro-optics and infrared sensors for medium and large reconnaissance satellites.


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– This is another Creotech project in the military area, after the agreement with the Polish Armament Agency in May this year, which may be one of the leading directions for our company in the future. Hanwha Systems is an entity that is part of the Hanwha Group, perceived in the world as an entity that has achieved enormous technological and commercial success, having an impact on the global development of technology. We will make every effort to ensure that both parties quickly achieve real benefits from the concluded agreement – dodaje dr hab. Grzegorz Brona.

In May this year Creotech Instruments has signed an agreement with Polish  Armament Agency for the implementation of the project “Industrial feasibility study of the optoelectronic microsatellite constellation for the Earth observations”, covering phases 0 and A of the project in accordance with the ECSS (European Collaboration for Space Standardization) methodology. Phases 0 and A are the first phases of space projects in the ECSS nomenclature. The project is carried out in a consortium led by Airbus Defense And Space with its registered office in France. The value of the contract for this phase of the project is approximately PLN 6.5 m, most of which is attributable to Creotech.

Creotech Instruments is a company operating in the field of satellite systems and advanced electronics, including quantum applications. As the only company in Poland, Creotech has achieved the ability to build microsatellites, i.e. satellites weighing from 10 kg to several dozen kg. A milestone in the Company’s development is the project of the EagleEye satellite for observation of the Earth in the visible band, built on the proprietary HyperSat microsatellite platform. This platform allows for the implementation of various types of missions, from technological and scientific, through observation and telecommunications missions, to deep space missions. Its modular design ensures full scalability of satellites in the range of 10-60 kg, and in the future also over 100 kg. The launch of the EagleEye satellite into an Earth orbit is planned for 2024 on a rocket of the American company SpaceX. The company is also a co-executor of the PIAST project, under which it plans to launch a constellation of three small observation satellites in 2025, also based on the HyperSat platform.



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