Expando wins SEK 20 million rugged computing contracts in the Nordics

Source: Expando, Defence Industry Europe

Expando announced the successful acquisition of three substantial contracts, totaling SEK 20 million, with three prominent Nordic defence companies. These agreements involve the provision of rugged servers, board computers, and components, all tailored for highly advanced naval, missile and surveillance platforms, respectively.


This further strengthens Expando’s reputation as the go-to provider for rugged computing solutions within the defence and aerospace sector.


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“Securing these significant orders from our esteemed Nordic defence partners highlights our commitment to upholding the highest standards they expect. We can serve both customers who want to buy rugged, MIL-810 standard off-the-shelf solutions to save time and those customers who need to build their own solutions with our boards and components. Our longstanding partnerships underscores our ability to deliver top-tier solutions with a keen ear to our clients’ unique preferences and demands, says Otto Johnsson,” CEO of Expando.


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Expando’s dedication to adaptability and a client-focused approach has further strengthened the company’s position. Drawing on extensive expertise and a demonstrated history of delivering rugged servers and hardware solutions, coupled with advanced defence electronics, Expando is well-positioned for future progress in this market.

“We eagerly anticipate further collaboration with the Nordic defence sector. Our main focus is to provide our clients with tailor-made rugged computing solutions, streamlining delivery timelines and mitigating costs and risks through our adaptable, commercially available solutions,” concludes Otto Johnsson.


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Scheduled for delivery in 2024, these orders mark a significant milestone in Expando’s ongoing journey to advance as a leading provider of defence and aerospace computing solutions in northern Europe.



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