A key focus of Finland’s chairmanship will be implementing the newly established “Vision for Nordic Defence Cooperation,” a long-term framework that will guide NORDEFCO’s initiatives until 2030. This Vision emphasises interoperability between Nordic defence forces while also prioritising joint capabilities, military mobility, logistics, and the security of supply chains.
Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen highlighted the importance of shared values and security interests among the Nordic nations. “The Nordic countries remain our closest international partners. With the new Vision, our defence cooperation is entering a new era, reflecting the evolving security environment and our collective commitment to regional stability,” he said.
The inclusion of Finland and Sweden in NATO has significantly reinforced the Alliance’s position in Northern Europe, creating a cohesive security bloc in the region. This new alignment enhances NATO’s deterrence capabilities and complements NORDEFCO’s objectives of seamless coordination between Nordic countries and the Alliance.
Under Finland’s leadership, NORDEFCO aims to refine structures and operational plans to facilitate joint Nordic and NATO operations in diverse scenarios and environments. Efforts will focus on integrating resources and expertise to strengthen collective defence and regional preparedness.
Source: Finnish Ministry of Defence.