Italy plans to purchase additional F-35 fighters and M-346 training jets

By Defence Industry Europe

In a significant development for Italy’s military, the country’s fleet of aircraft is set to grow substantially between 2024 and 2026. According to the Documento Programmatico Pluriennale (Multi-Year Procurement Plan), Italy will acquire additional advanced aircraft, including the widely known F-35 fighter jets and new training aircraft.


The most notable aspect of the plan is Italy’s decision to purchase 25 more F-35 multi-role fighter jets. The acquisition, which includes engines and equipment, will cost a total of €7 billion. This amount also covers periodic upgrades and logistical support through 2035. Of the new jets, 15 will be delivered in the F-35A configuration, while 10 will be the F-35B variant, with five each allocated to the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force) and the Marina Militare (Navy). Upon completion of these deliveries, Italy’s F-35 fleet will increase to 115 aircraft.

Additionally, Italy has started adapting the ITS Trieste (L 9890), a universal amphibious assault ship, to operate the F-35B’s short take-off and vertical landing capabilities. The cost of this modification is estimated at EUR 50 million.


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In a further expansion of its aerial capabilities, the Aeronautica Militare will also purchase 20 new M-346 Master training aircraft. Fifteen of these will be used by Italy’s renowned Frecce Tricolori aerobatic team, while the remaining five will support advanced pilot training alongside the existing fleet of 18 M-346 aircraft. However, the cost of these additional Masters has not been disclosed to the public.



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