OHB Italia awarded contract for Earth observation constellation IRIDE

Source: OHB

OHB Italia, a subsidiary of technology and space group OHB SE, and ESA (European Space Agency) have signed a contract for the development of 12 satellites that will be part of the Italian IRIDE constellation. The constellation will consist of various satellites of different types and sizes combining SAR, optical, panchromatic, hyperspectral and infrared sensors. Main target of the constellation is Earth observation to manage hydrogeological instabilities and fires, protect coastlines and critical infrastructure, monitor air quality and weather conditions and provide analytical data for the development of commercial applications.

The whole constellation will be implemented in Italy and completed by 2026 with the support of ESA and the Italian space agency ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana). IRIDE is a European space programme for Earth observation in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). It will provide geospatial services at national and European level, both to the public administration and to private customers. The system delivered by OHB Italia is based on the prototype of the Eaglet II satellite including its Flight Operation System (FOS), which is used to operate the satellites during commissioning and later on during nominal operations.

“IRIDE represents the key know-how development essential to meet the increasingly difficult challenges in the global space system,” declared Roberto Aceti, Managing Director of OHB Italia. “OHB Italia is very proud to offer its space-heritage of more than forty years to take part in this ambitious Italian project. It will help the Italian Civil Protection Department and other administrative institutions to cope with floodings, droughts and firesand to monitor critical infrastructure, air quality and weather conditions. Moreover, it will provide analytical data for the development of commercial applications.”




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