Thales delivers final Ground Alerter 10 system to German Armed Forces

By Defence Industry Europe

Thales completed the delivery of the final Ground Alerter 10 (GA10) radar system to the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) during a ceremony in Koblenz. This marked the fulfilment of a contract to supply 17 GA10 sense and warn systems, designed to protect military camps and convoys from indirect fire threats such as rockets, artillery, and mortars (C-RAM). The delivery of the final unit concludes a project initiated in February 2021, when Thales was awarded the contract by the German defence procurement agency (BAAINBw).


The GA10 system is a highly mobile, portable radar specifically developed for camp protection and dismounted operations. It provides early warning alerts to military personnel when incoming fire is detected, allowing for quick protective action. The system has already proven its effectiveness in various combat scenarios, significantly reducing casualties by providing acoustic and visual alerts to troops about imminent threats and identifying the location of incoming fire for rapid countermeasures.

The contract initially called for the delivery of five GA10 systems, with the option to acquire additional units. In addition to the radar systems themselves, the contract included comprehensive training for personnel, technical documentation, and an initial supply of spare parts. The project was completed on time and within the agreed budget, marking a successful collaboration between Thales and the Bundeswehr.


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Eric Huber, Vice President of Surface Radars at Thales, expressed his satisfaction with the successful completion of the project. “We are very pleased with the on-time and on-budget delivery of the Ground Alerter 10 systems,” Huber said. “This system contributes significantly to the protection of German soldiers during critical missions at home and abroad. The GA10, developed and manufactured in Ditzingen, Germany, builds on Thales’ extensive experience in radar technology and operational combat environments, having already saved many lives. We are proud to continue delivering such critical capabilities to our defence partners.”

The Ground Alerter 10 system is combat-proven and is currently deployed in several missions, including UN camps in North East and Eastern Mali and by French forces in out-of-area operations. It has been a key asset in providing convoy and camp protection against indirect fire, where rapid detection and response are essential. The system’s integrated alert network warns military personnel of rocket or mortar threats by generating an immediate acoustic and visual alert when the system detects a threat trajectory indicating an impact within the protected zone. Simultaneously, the GA10 provides accurate data on the origin of the fire, enabling timely countermeasures.

One of the system’s key features is its ease of use and mobility. Designed to be lightweight and portable, it can be deployed and operated by a small team—two personnel for set-up and just one for operation. Its low power consumption, using only 350 watts, allows the system to run on battery power, making it ideal for mobile operations. The radar can be transported by vehicle or helicopter, further enhancing its suitability for rapidly changing battlefield environments.


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At Thales’ Ditzingen facility near Stuttgart, the GA10 is part of a broader range of military radar systems designed for both ground and coastal surveillance. Thales has a strong reputation for developing radar systems that are trusted by armed and security forces worldwide, providing protection in both stationary and mobile settings.

The Ground Alerter 10 system consists of several key components: a UHF radar with a telescopic mast for enhanced detection range, an integrated alarm network that includes multiple wired and wireless alarm devices, and a ruggedised laptop for system control and monitoring. The system is powered by Li-Ion batteries, with an arrangement that allows for continuous operation through battery replacement, ensuring uninterrupted protection in critical situations.




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