Statement by Jan Pie, Secretary General of the Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD):
“ASD strongly welcomes EDIS and EDIP as important contributions to strengthening Europe’s capacity to protect the security of its citizens, territory, and core values.
We fully support the Commission’s objective to enhance Europe’s defence readiness and welcome the emphasis that the strategy puts on Europe’s defence industry for this readiness. We are also pleased to see that EDIS and EDIP address many of the concerns industry had made during the precedent stakeholder consultation.
ASD will work on a deeper analysis of both documents.
The success of EDIS and EDIP will now depend very much on Member States’ reaction. Speed and financial resources will be crucial for their implementation. Since time is of essence, we hope in particular that the forthcoming European elections will not significantly slow down the legislative procedure for EDIP.”
About ASD
ASD is the voice of the European Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries. Our overall representation adds up to more than 4,000 companies, accounting for 98% of industry’s total turnover and 92% of its total employment in Europe.
The association develops and advocates for common industry positions, with the objective to promote the competitiveness of the sector in times of fast technological and societal changes. ASD also develops widely recognized product lifecycle specifications providing guidance and standards to improve product reliability, safety and environmental performance.
The European Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries are a key enabler of a sustainable, technologically sovereign and resilient Europe. As high technology and strategic domains, they are global drivers of innovation.