The exercise takes place between 4-16 June, and is led by U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa and U.S. Sixth Fleet, command-and-controlled by STRIKFORNATO.
Baltops is a significant annual exercise in the Baltic Sea, providing an opportunity for allied and partner nations to train together – building trust across air, land, and sea while improving interoperability between nations.
Baltops remains an alliance proving ground, and is vital for honing the leading edge of combined interoperability with allies and partner nations, in and around the Baltic Sea. This year, Finland is welcomed as a NATO member, among nineteen NATO Allies and one NATO partner nation, with 50 ships, more than 45 aircraft, and approximately 6,000 personnel. Participating nations include Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Türkiye, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
These countries will exercise a myriad of capabilities, demonstrating the inherent flexibility of maritime forces. Exercise scenarios include amphibious, gunnery, anti-submarine, air defense, and mine clearance operations, as well as explosive ordnance disposal, unmanned underwater and surface vehicle exercises, and medical responses.
Previously, Finland has participated as a partner nation in the exercise, which was first held in 1972. With Finland, 7 Allied nations bordering the Baltic Sea are participating in this year’s Baltops, providing a unique training opportunity to strengthen the combined response capability critical to preserving the freedom of navigation and security in the Baltic Sea.