The advanced MS-110 builds on the success of the widely deployed DB-110 with which it shares a common support and imagery exploitation infrastructure. Existing DB-110 operators have the option of upgrading their pods to the MS-110 configuration at their own maintenance facilities, limiting cost and operational downtime for this critical reconnaissance resource. The multispectral features of the MS-110 improves intelligence analysts’ ability to extract vital information from a wide variety of target sets.
“With MS-110 development and integration completed, the critical intelligence made available by the system can be rapidly rolled out to support multi-domain efforts,” said Andy Hunter, director and general manager, Intelligent Sensing for Collins Aerospace. “The extension and expansion of an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity contract with the U.S. Air Force Foreign Military Sales organization will be a major factor in accelerating production and improving system affordability.”
Collins Aerospace airborne reconnaissance systems have been fielded and operational on tactical fast jet platforms such as the F-15 and F-16 as well as special mission ISR business jets. The system is also compatible with MALE UAVs such as the MQ-9. The MS-110 sensor leverages Collins Aerospace’s proven multi-spectral imaging (MSI) expertise from SYERS-2C flown on the U-2.