Hanwha said it aims to further expand its presence in Europe where it is securing a footing by exporting K9 self-propelled howitzers to nine countries in the region, including a deal worth USD 2.55 billion with Poland.
Under the agreement signed Monday, the two companies will cooperate in supplying, utilizing, and maintaining Hanwha Aerospace weapons systems such as the K9 self-propelled howitzers and the AS-21 Redback Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
In particular, Romarm said it is interested in introducing Korean-made weapons systems whose competitiveness has already been verified in replacing aging armored vehicles and towed guns.
The Romanian company Romarm considers the future export of military equipment manufactured in cooperation with Hanwha to neighboring countries in the European Union as well as countries outside of the EU.
Romania, a member of NATO and a country bordering Ukraine, has recently been pushing for military modernization projects while increasing its defense budget.
“If the MOU progresses into future exports, the K9 self-propelled howitzer could build a reputation as a proven provider of weapons as it is deployed in 10 countries around the world,” said Son Jae-il, CEO of Hanwha Aerospace, in a statement. “We will expand our footing further into different parts of Europe, alongside with Romania, expanding the business,” he added.
The potential signing of a contract between Hanwha and Romarm is to be decided by Romania’s defence ministry.