ORON ISR aircraft proves itself in real combat scenarios

By Arie Egozi

The systems of the ORON, one of the world's leading ISR aircraft, are being tested in the ongoing war between Israel and the two Iranian terror proxies in Gaza and Lebanon.


The ORON, a G-550 aircraft, carries a variety of systems developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). The aircraft was jointly developed by the Israel Ministry of Defence and IAI’s ELTA Group, together with the Israeli Air Force, Intelligence Corps, and Navy. Equipped with revolutionary sensors and C4I systems, the ORON will provide the IDF with unprecedented intelligence capabilities across expansive terrain, enabling real-time monitoring of ground movements under diverse weather and visibility conditions. The aircraft will be operated by the Israeli Air Force’s ‘Nachshon’ 122nd squadron.


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When the unique aircraft was unveiled, Lt. Col. Yoed, Head of the Ministry of Defence DDR&D Missionized Aircraft Branch, said that the ORON is a joint multi-domain, multi-sensor solution which will provide the IDF with game-changing capabilities to counter threats far and near.


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‘The unique capabilities of the ORON ISR System include the ability to accurately track multiple targets across a wide area of coverage, in all weather and visibility conditions, with high precision over great distances and in real time, enabling a decisive and timely response to all threats. The aircraft’s systems incorporate unique technological expertise that has been accumulated over the years within the industry and DDR&D,’ he added. This accumulation of knowledge enables effective preparation for future threats in all of Israel’s operational arenas. The ORON is the product of a process of assimilating operational insights in addition to a broad international outlook. According to IAI, the ORON will function in full synergy with the other types of special mission aircraft operated by the 122nd Squadron.



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