Patria transfers technology of AMV XP 8×8 production to Slovak industry

By Defence Industry Europe

The Slovak company CSM Industry has initiated the process of technology absorption for the production of the Patria AMV XP 8x8 armoured vehicles. This company has already started manufacturing the first vehicle under the supervision of staff from the Finnish defence solutions provider Patria.


The Slovak AMV 8×8 vehicles will be produced at the CSM Industry facility in the city of Tisovec. This facility will also be the main beneficiary of the technology transfer as part of the purchase of armoured transporters by the Slovak armed forces.


The Slovak company CSM Industry has initiated the process of technology absorption for the production of the Patria AMV XP 8x8 armoured vehicles. This company has already started manufacturing the first vehicle under the supervision of staff from the Finnish defence solutions provider Patria.
Photo: CSM Industry.


The contract for the AMV XP transporters for the Slovak army was signed in August 2022. Slovakia ordered 76 vehicles, of which 8 are to be built by the Patria in Finland, and the production of the remainder is to take place in Slovakia.

The vehicles will come in 3 versions, including a wheeled IFV with the Slovak Turra-30 turret system. All ordered vehicles should be delivered by 2027.


300 x 250


The programme also foresees the involvement of other Slovak companies in the deliveries – more than 40 in total. According to the plans, the participation of the Slovak industry is to be at least 40%.



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