Saab delivers second early warning aircraft to Poland

By Defence Industry Europe

The Polish defence procurement agency (Armament Agency) has announced the delivery of the second Saab 340AEW aircraft. This delivery marks the completion of a 2023 contract between Poland and Sweden for two second-hand aircraft designed to enhance early warning and command functions.


The contract, valued at approximately EUR 52 million, was signed in July 2023. These Saab 340AEW aircraft will play a crucial role in developing Poland’s national competencies in early warning and command tasks. Given the age of the aircraft, they are expected to be safely operational for about ten years. During this period, Poland intends to procure brand-new aircraft of a similar class to ensure continued enhancement of its defense capabilities.



As Defence Industry Europe reported, Poland has also recently signed a contract with the United States for four early warning aerostat systems. These systems are intended to complement the capabilities provided by the Saab 340AEW aircraft, further strengthening Poland’s overall early warning infrastructure.



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