Lithuania acquires engineering countermobility means for Baltic Defence Line project

Source: Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence, Defence Industry Europe

The Lithuanian Armed Forces Logics Command has signed procurement contracts for engineer countermobility means: dragon’s teeth, cheval de frise and Czech hedgehog type of fortifications and concrete road barriers are planned to be transferred to the Lithuanian Armed Forces by the end of the year. The purchase is worth over EUR 4 million.


“Acquisition of countermobility means and boarder security is an important step towards better deterrence. The latest procurements the Defence Materiel Agency under MoD has carried out will provide vital engineer fortifications to construct barriers and protective positions where necessary in case of a military aggression,” says Minister of National Defence Laurynas Kasčiūnas.



The engineer means are required for the countermobility fortification parks planned to be developed in different locations across Lithuania bordering Belarus and Kaliningrad of the Russian Federation. The areas are planned to be supplied with the equipment and installations necessary for their full capacity by 2025. 27 engineer countermobility parks are in the plans. Moreover, the Lithuanian countermobility action plan includes reconstruction of irrigation ditches in the areas bordering Belarus, development of woodland patches and alleys, refurbishment of roads and bridges, and whatever else is necessary. All the listed steps align in Lithuania’s defence line concept which is an integral part of the Baltic defence line.



The Baltic Defence Line is a joint initiative of the Ministries of Defence of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia launched in 2024 to reinforce countermobility capability along the eastern boarder of NATO while falling in an effective overall line of countermobility measures capable of disrupting and preventing hostile forces from crossing the border effectively.



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