NSPA provides update on Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC) programme
 The NGRC Programme will next focus on the concept design activities in 2026-2027 and target to have a preferred solution by the end of 2027.
 The NGRC Programme will next focus on the concept design activities in 2026-2027 and target to have a preferred solution by the end of 2027.
NSPA has awarded Lockheed Martin Sikorsky a contract award to study integrated platform concepts that could fulfill NATO’s next generation rotorcraft requirements.
The aim of the Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC) is to respond to this upcoming requirement, in a timely and cost-effective manner.
NSPA announces the awarding of a pioneering contract for the first Novel Powerplant Study to fulfil the Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC) Programme requirements.
The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) released the first Request for Proposal (RfP) related to the Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC).