The contract study was awarded to GE Aerospace, with work performed by its Defense & Systems organization (USA) and Avio Aero (IT). This milestone achievement follows a stringent open competition, placing significant emphasis on technical excellence, accounting for 80% of the evaluation criteria.
This transformative study, awarded on 05 December 2023, represents a strategic initiative to identify, evaluate, and compare innovative powerplant solutions capable of meeting the NGRC capability requirement. The comprehensive findings from this study will empower NSPA with critical insights into the Powerplant domain, providing invaluable support for the assessment of future integrated platform design concepts, particularly within the framework of coming Concept Study #5. The release of the related Request for Proposal is targeted early 2024.
The primary objectives of this study encompass the identification of Novel Powerplant concepts aligned with NGRC specifications, the assessment of their Technology Readiness Levels, and a holistic comparative analysis encompassing capability, logistics, reliability, maintainability, safety, supportability, cost, and environmental considerations, specifically tailored for defense contexts.
NSPA gears up for a series of next steps in this process, commencing with an inaugural kick-off meeting scheduled for January 2024. Subsequently, a dedicated 6-month study period will ensue, poised to profoundly shape the trajectory of Study #5.
This achievement confirms the effective governance exhibited by Participating Nations of the NGRC Support Partnership and underscores the Program Office’s commitment to professionalism, operational efficiency, and dedication to customer satisfaction.
Furthermore, this achievement embodies NSPA’s unwavering commitment to becoming the premier choice for defense acquisitions among NATO members, signifying a substantial leap forward in technological advancement and strategic planning within the defense sector.