Thierry Breton: EU is increasing production of ammunition

By Defence Industry Europe,

The European Union plans to increase its ammunition production capacity to at least 1.3 million rounds by the end of the year.


Thierry Breton, the EU Commissioner for Internal Market, stated that the EU is striving to support Ukraine while replenishing its own stocks. Ukraine faces a severe ammunition shortage, with only 300,000 of the promised one million shells delivered so far.



Breton emphasized the need to prioritize sending the majority of ammunition produced by European firms to Ukraine, which has been engaged in conflict with Russia for nearly two years.

The EU aims to reach a production capacity of one million ammunition shells annually by March or April, with plans to further enhance this capacity to around 1.3 to 1.4 million by year-end.

Breton refrained from disclosing current production figures, citing confidentiality.



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