Anschuetz to unveil latest WINBS technology at DSEI 2023

Source: Anschuetz

Anschuetz, expert for navigation systems and maritime systems integration, will launch latest innovations in warship integrated navigation and bridge systems at DSEI 2023.

Since Anschuetz first contracted and delivered systems for navies, Warship Integrated Navigation and Bridge Systems (WINBS) have been significantly developed and continually adapted to customer needs.



Thanks to its sophisticated system design and high integration capability, the Anschuetz WINBS stands out with its flexibility and scalability. The system is now even better able to integrate sensors and systems on customer request in order to meet special mission requirements or fleet commonality requirements. In addition, various functional enhancements within WINBS, such as military and tactical overlays or layers as well as navigational aids for special missions and water space management, further improve the platform’s navigational, tactical and combat capabilities.

The WINBS application suite includes a completely new Naval ECDIS and Naval Radar. Like

WINBS, these applications were developed specifically for the demanding deployment scenarios of navies. They also ensure the long-term fulfilment of ever-changing requirements and needs due to our continuing support and development.



Naval Radar NX uses high-performance surveillance radars which are IMO type-approved for navigation. In addition to navigation, they provide an enhanced surveillance capability and a common situational awareness in the surface and air domain, including for Air Traffic Management (ATM) purposes. Its latest features include a 360-degree video merge, helicopter guidance and a drone detection capability.

Naval ECDIS NX is a Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information System (WECDIS) based on STANAG 4564 Ed. 3 (April 2017). The WECDIS extends the range of navigational functions to include military functions for tactical navigation and operations. Fully configurable, Naval ECDIS NX ensures mission effectiveness designed to budget while being in line with regulations at any time.

An important extra capability of WINBS is the complete and scalable integration of our Visual Surveillance Systems (VSS), either as a total system solution or integrated into existing applications.

Features of WINBS also include:

  • Embedded IMO type-approved integrated navigation system
  • Fully networked multifunctional workstations allowing any function anywhere at any time with modern, clearly structured and intuitive user interfaces
  • Equipment-agnostic configuration allowing customer’s preferred sensors to be utilised
  • Open architecture software framework enabling the integration of customer’s software packages
  • Eggshell-level user rights protecting the system from access by unauthorised personnel
  • Data distribution solutions with fast real-time processors supporting the combat system data latency requirements
  • SNI and SCE capable (Shared Network Infrastructure and Computing Environment)
  • Highest standards of system safety and security (IMO and ANEP-77 compliant)
  • Fully integrated steering control and autopilot systems, including rudder roll stabiliser

In contrast to conventional bridges of networked individual systems, WINBS represents a consistent, highly functional and effective overall solution. It is based on an open architecture platform that collects and integrates data from all sensors and systems. Data is analysed and transformed into information which is distributed to end user applications across the entire system.



This way, WINBS can provide a consistent, full maritime picture through a common user interface for both navigation and mission. This reduces the risk of human error and fatigue while supporting safe and fast decision-making. In addition to these operational benefits, WINBS also adds value by supporting fleet commonality, reduced training needs, simplified logistics and comprehensive services.

Anschuetz has decades of experience in customised naval system integration and provides WINBS to the UK Royal Navy Type 31e and Type 26 new build programmes. For military customers in the UK, Anschuetz UK builds and integrates advanced navigation and bridge systems and is committed to providing professional and comprehensive in-service support to the Royal Nav ships.



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