EVPÚ Defence: RCWS MANTIS 12.7 mm on MARS 4×4 vehicle [VIDEO]

By Defence Industry Europe

EVPÚ Defence joined forces with SVOS to shoot a promotional video at the off-road polygon in Milovice, Czech Republic. The video shows EVPÚ Defence’s MANTIS weapon station for 12.7 mm machine guns installed on a MARS 4x4 Doublecabine.

EVPÚ Defence specializes in the development and production of remote controlled weapon stations for the integration of small and medium calibre weapons. These systems are suitable for perimeter surveillance, detection of ground and air targets and fire control in land and naval applications.



The modular concept of EVPÚ Defence’s weapon stations allows the integration of different weapon systems and sensors. Weapon stations can be equipped with a number of optional features and additional protection systems, such as laser and radar detection systems and smoke grenade launchers. The customer can thus have a product designed to meet their exact needs.

MANTIS is a compact remote-controlled weapon station (RCWS) suitable for both land and naval applications and designed to be installed on wheeled/tracked light armored vehicles (LAV), vessels or stationary platforms. It enables the operator to monitor the vehicle (platform) perimeter, detect various types of land or air targets (e.g. helicopters, UAVs etc.) and fire at them from the operator terminal inside the vehicle (platform).



MANTIS is a modular concept which allows the integration of 7.62 – 12.7 mm machine guns and 30 – 40 mm grenade launchers (both NATO and Eastern standards). Other weapon systems may also be integrated into this weapon station upon request.

The multiple-axis design allows the operator to keep his sights on target, independent of ballistic corrections for the weapon and ammunition in use. Reconnaisance, aiming and firing tasks are performed using a modular multi-sensor electro-optical system which comprises a day camera, thermal imaging (night) camera, laser rangefinder and, optionally, an additional aiming camera.

The gunner operates the weapon station from an operator terminal comprising the following basic units with optional intelligent tracking:

  • operator screen
  • operator control panel
  • control handles


MANTIS  key features:

  • four (2+2) independent stabilized axes in azimuth and elevation
  • fully detached line of sight
  • electro-optical system consisting of a FULL HD day camera, thermal imaging (night) camera with VGA or HD resolution, laser rangefinder and aiming camera (optionally). Video data in compliance with DEF-STAN-00-82 may be further distributed within the vehicle (platform)
  • advanced modular SW
  • optional integration of further protection systems such as a laser and radar irradiation detection system in combination with smoke grenade launchers
  • optional integration of Level 2 ballistic protection



Key advantages of MANTIS include the fact that the choice of weapon system and sensors may be individually modified to suit the needs and requirements of the customer.



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