Israel develops Arrow 4 system against Iranian threats

By Arie Egozi

The war in Ukraine is causing major changes in the role Russia has in the Middle East. Israeli sources say that this is a serious concern for the U.S., Europe, and Israel.


The United Nations’ ban against Iran’s capacity to acquire and export missiles and drones expired today. Without indicating whether it now intends to back Tehran’s missile development, Russia said it need not comply with U.N. Security Council sanctions once they expire today.

“Supplies to and from Iran of products falling under the Missile Technology Control Regime no longer require prior approval by the U.N. Security Council,” the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.


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Iran is thought to have the most extensive and varied arsenal of ballistic and cruise missiles in the Middle East, which has frequently caused it to clash with the West. Emad, Fajr-3, Ashoora, Ghadr-110, Khorramshahr, Sejjil, and Shahab-3 are some of Iran’s most notable missiles.

The Kheibar missile, the most recent iteration of the Khorramshahr missile, has one of the most cutting-edge liquid fuel engines.

Iran’s missile proliferation has long been a source of concern for the U.S. and its allies, who have responded by imposing a number of restrictions against the nation’s missile industry.

In an effort to allay Western fears, Iran maintains that its missile program is “peaceful” but “not negotiable,” and that its missile range is limited to 2,000 kilometers.


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Some years ago, Israel and the U.S. began the development of the Arrow 4 ballistic missile interceptor. The design is aimed at dealing with new threats posed mainly by the Iranian long-range ballistic missiles.

The Arrow 4 will have winglets because it is designed to intercept inside the atmosphere. There was no official explanation or that capability.

Experts who talked with Defence industry Europe on condition of anonymity said, “Israel needs to plan its missile defense capabilities for many years to come. At this point, there is no hypersonic missile threat on Israel, but when you design such an advanced interceptor, this capability should be included as some countries develop such missiles, and in the Middle East, you must expect the unexpected.



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