Trojan Footprint 24: Special Operations Forces exercise kicked off

Source: Special Operation Command Europe, U.S. European Command

Forces from Albania, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States will participate in Exercise Trojan Footprint March 4-15 at locations in Bulgaria, Georgia, Germany, Greece, North Macedonia and Romania. Approximately 900 U.S. service members will be among the about 2,000 total participants.


Trojan Footprint 24 is a U.S. European Command-approved exercise conducted by U.S. Special Operations Command Europe every two years since 2016, and is designed to demonstrate U.S., NATO Ally and partner nations’ ability to respond decisively to any threat from any direction. Trojan Footprint is the largest Special Operations forces exercise in the European theater in which the U.S. participates.


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The Trojan Footprint exercise series has been led by U.S. European Command since 2002. The current focus and format of the exercise began in 2016 with SOCEUR in the lead. This year, Trojan Footprint 24 is under the umbrella of NATO exercise Steadfast Defender 2024. Trojan Footprint 24 will enhance interoperability and demonstrate the capability of ready and postured special operations forces within the European theater.


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Exercise Trojan Footprint 24 is also part of the U.S. Department of Defence’s Large Scale Global Exercise 24, which is an all-domain exercise series that executes a range of joint multinational military activities and operations. LSGE 24 is designed to demonstrate the robust global presence of NATO Allies and partners, as well as the cohesion of our enduring global partnerships.



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