ADEX 2023: MBDA highlights Meteor air-to-air missile

Source: MBDA, Defence Industry Europe

At the Seoul International Aerospace and Defence Exhibition (ADEX) 2023, MBDA is showcasing its Meteor missile on KF-21 Boramae fighter aircraft.


Meteor-equipped KF-21 fighters will dominate air combat, as Meteor provides a many times larger no-escape zone and a higher kill probability than any other missile. This is due to its unique ramjet that powers Meteor to high supersonic speed throughout the missile’s flight, enabling Meteor to chase down and out-manoeuvre hostile fighters unlike any other missile.



Integration of Meteor onto KF-21 Boramae fighter aircraft is being conducted rapidly and in close partnership between Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and MBDA, with flight and launch tests already underway.

MBDA is a true world leader in missile systems, with over 60 years’ experience developing cutting-edge missiles in cross-border partnerships that makes the company a natural partner to accelerate domestic development programmes, enhance platform lethality and exportability.


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KAI and MBDA are also working together to integrate MBDA’s Mistral ATAM helicopter air-to-air missile onto the KAI MAH helicopter of the Republic of Korea Marine Corp. MBDA has a long history of co-operation with Korea via MBDA’s stake in Taurus Systems GmbH on the Taurus deep strike cruise missile that arms Korea’s F-15 strike fighters.

MBDA will also be exhibiting many other potent missile systems at ADEX. These include MBDA’s ASRAAM air combat missile, Brimstone precision strike missile, Sea Venom helicopter-launched anti-ship missile, Sky Warden counter-UAV system, SPEAR miniature cruise missile and SPEAR-EW electronic warfare effector.



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