French Navy conducts test firings with Aster 15, Aster 30 air defence missiles

By Defence Industry Europe

The French Navy has successfully launched air defence missiles from two of its warships, the air defence frigate Chevalier Paul and the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. This operation took place just hours before the ships departed for the AKILA mission.


The Chevalier Paul fired an Aster 30 missile, successfully neutralizing a long-range aerial threat in a challenging, non-permissive environment. This feat underlined the frigate’s role as the lead in air defence within the Naval Air Group (GAN). Meanwhile, the Charles de Gaulle demonstrated its prowess by hitting an aerial target with an Aster 15 missile, confirming the operational readiness and effectiveness of the French Navy’s layered defence system.


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These tests, conducted with the expertise of the French Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) and the operational skill of the French Navy, replicated conditions similar to those expected in real-world operations. The exercises are crucial for training the crews to handle high-intensity situations that could arise during naval combat.

The targets for the missile launches were remotely piloted, simulating reconnaissance drones and anti-ship missiles. These exercises were carried out with support from the DGA Missile Tests expertise and test center (Levant site), which coordinated the launch and target setup.


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The Aster missiles, which come in two variants – Aster 15 with a range of about 30 kilometers and Aster 30 extending to about 100 kilometers – are a key component of the French naval defence. They are currently deployed on multi-mission frigates (FREMM), air defense frigates (FDA), and the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier. Additionally, these missiles will also equip the upcoming FDI frigates.



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