EUNAVFOR Aspides: frigate “Hessen” has ended its mission in the Red Sea


The frigate “Hessen” has ended its combat mission to protect merchant vessels from attacks by the Houthi militia in the Red Sea on schedule. As Germany’s armed forces, the Bundeswehr, reported, the ship concluded its deployment on Saturday and left the mission area.


With its crew of around 240 men and women, the “Hessen” was Germany’s contribution to the EU’s military mission EUNAVFOR Aspides. In recent weeks, the crew had shot down drones deployed by the Houthi militia group, which operates out of Yemen and is allied with Iran, on several occasions. For the German Navy it was the first combat mission of this kind.


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Defence Minister Boris Pistorius: “Germany and its partners are not standing idly by while the Houthi militia carries out its illegal attacks. It is also our job to protect free trade – and thereby also the lives of those on merchant vessels in the Red Sea.” And: “We are thus defending the security and freedom of one of the most important sea and transport routes.”

In early August, the frigate “Hamburg” will be deployed for the EUNAVFOR Aspides mission.





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