Kuleba: cooperation between the defence industries of Ukraine and the EU can become a cornerstone of the CFSP

Source: Minstry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Defence Industry Europe

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba took part in the ministerial conference "A larger, stronger Union – making the European Union fit for enlargement and candidate countries fit for accession" held on November 2 in Berlin, Germany, gathering together foreign ministers of a number of the member states as well as of the candidate countries for the accession to the EU.


“The Russian aggression against Ukraine demonstrated that the European Union should become stronger to respond effectively to the current challenges. Strengthening cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the field of defence industries will become a cornerstone of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. We need a strong and proactive European Union capable of solving and preventing conflicts. And this is the contribution that Ukraine can make”, – the Minister emphasized while talking to journalists ahead of the conference.


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Dmytro Kuleba stressed that Ukraine is actively implementing the reforms necessary to start negotiations on joining the EU. At the same time, he separately emphasized that the expansion of the European Union and the acceptance of new member states should not become a hostage to the process of reforming the EU.




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