Lockheed Martin: Polish industrial partners complete five major offsets projects

Source: Lockheed Martin

The Ministry of Defence of Poland officially approved five completed Offset projects in the first phase of the WISLA programme. Lockheed Martin partnered with local industrial partners to increase technical capabilities and provide manufacturing know-how of components related to Patriot Advanced Capability – 3 (PAC-3) Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE)and in support of Poland’s air and missile defence.


Wojskowe Zaklady Elektroniczne (WZE) and Wojakowe Zaklady Lotnicze Nr. 2 (WZL-2) each completed vital offset projects in support of the WISLA programme. The offsets projects enable Polish companies to participate in the PAC-3 supply chain,delivering highly skilled, high-paying Polish jobs to the Polish defence industry.

“As a trusted partner for Poland’s national security, Lockheed Martin is committed to providing key capabilities to strengthen Poland’s national defence against evolving threats,” said Robert Orzylowski, director of Poland and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) for Lockheed Martin. “Our partnership with the Polish industrial base provides high-value jobs and a strong skills base to the Polish defence industry and opens the door to worldwide commercial opportunities.”


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WZE completes three critical PAC-3 MSE projects

WZE received official approval on three projects including the Enhanced Electronics System (ELES) production project, the Junction Box (J-Box) production project and the Motor Controller Unit (MCU) design project. WZE established production lines capable of final assembly for the ELES and J-Box programs. The ELES provides power and signals to missiles on the PAC-3 launcher. The J-Box provides provides power and signal distribution on the launcher. Lockheed Martin intends to provide WZE an opportunity to compete for ELES and J-Box production orders for PAC-3 MSE launchers delivered to Poland. The MCU project focused on designing an electrical power switch unit within the MCU. WZE has now officially completed four of their seven offsets projects under WISLA Phase 1.


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WZL-2 receives approval on two vital projects supporting F-16

WZL-2 officially completed two projects supporting the F-16 aircraft. The F-16 Electrical maintenance project and F-16 Electrical hydraulic project transfered technologies and know-how, provided equipment and tooling, documentation and technical assistance to assist WZL-2 to perform maintenance for three F-16 Generators and two F-16 hydraulic components. WZL-2 has now completed all three of their projects under WISLA Phase 1.

“Lockheed Martin is actively discussing industrial opportunities on a number of programs with the Polish government and industry partners,” said Alissa Maxvill, Poland Industrial Development lead for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “The success of the PAC-3 WISLA offsets program lays the groundwork for additional successful partnerships in Poland.”

Lockheed Martin opened its office in central Warsaw in 1996 and partners with the Polish Ministry of Defence on a variety of defence and security programmes. The company’s PAC-3 MSE missile is a core element of Poland’s future missile defence and its precision munitions and training systems provide vital capabilities to Polish Armed Forces.



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