The 3-year contract, which can be extended to up to 7 years, has a total contract value of EUR 16,1 million.
Micropol Fiberoptic has been the preferred supplier to the Swedish Armed Forces for many years and the contract award secures the continuation of the current deliveries.

The contract award will require new hiring of an additional 10 production personnel in the Ã…led facility during 2023.
Micropol Fiberoptic, that was founded by Gerd and Anders Andersson in 1988, is head quartered in Ã…led outside Halmstad, Sweden, and employs 33 professionals. International sales offices are located in Stuttgart, Germany and in Edgewater outside Washington, USA. The company turnover was EUR 6 million (SEK 66,6 million) in 2022 out of which 28% was delivered to markets outside Sweden. AB Micropol Fiberoptic is part of Halmstad based Pamica Group AB.