NSPA provides NATO nations with economies of scale through the consolidated procurement of anti-armour weapons

Source: NATO Support nad Procurement Agency (NSPA)

The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) will provide NATO nations with economies of scale through the consolidated procurement of anti-armour weapons.


In a landmark move towards efficiency and cost-effectiveness, three nations have joined forces to consolidate their procurement of AT4 anti-armour weapons from Saab. This consolidation, facilitated by the Ammunition Support Partnership (ASP), has resulted in savings exceeding EUR 11.5 million.


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By pooling their requirements through the Ammunition SP, these nations have streamlined their procurement processes while leveraging the most advanced technology, in addition to capitalise on substantial financial benefits through economies of scale. This in turns will have operational benefits such as simplified logistics, commonality and interoperability.


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A Support Partnership (SP) is a multinational cooperation mechanism established on the initiative of two or more NATO nations wishing to organise common support and services activities. This support structure is a distinctive feature of NSPA. Participating nations provide governance and guidance, whereas NSPA develops capabilities and manages nations’ requirements. The consolidation of requirements provides economies of scale, reducing costs and logistics footprint, and the turnkey legal framework offers a common and efficient support. The Support Partnership format also encourages the Participating nations to discuss their logistics support challenges so that common and individual requirements can be identified and addressed.

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