Deputy Secretary General of NATO: cooperation with EU is “indispensable”

Source: NATO

Deputy Secretary General of NATO Mircea Geoană stressed the importance of NATO-EU cooperation in remarks to the Conference of the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS) on Thursday (17 November 2022). He said that in a new and more dangerous security context, the partnership between the two organisations is “indispensable”.

Geoană underlined that NATO’s “power of standardisation” and its focus on interoperability are two major advantages that also benefit the EU’s defence industry. He said that “it is the interest of NATO for European Allies to have a stronger industrial base”. On the broader NATO-EU partnership, Mr Geoană emphasised the need for both organisations to work hand in hand across all areas of common interest. He indicated that “together we are bringing not only expertise but also critical mass.”

The Deputy Secretary General of NATO was joined by Stefano Sannino, Secretary-General of the European External Action Service, and their discussion was moderated by Sam Fleming, Brussels bureau chief of The Financial Times.


The ESPAS conference is hosted annually by the European Parliament and the European Commission, and this year marks the conference’s tenth anniversary.


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