The order income consists of a healthy mix of recurring business with existing customers and new customers that will utilize the HUGIN platform in their operations.
The use of AUVs is a vital piece in the technology puzzle that must be solved to enable sustainable oceans. The vehicles can operate autonomously over a long period of time and collect environmental data, performing multiple survey operations for multiple applications in a cost-effective way compared with conventional surveys.
Since the first dive of the iconic HUGIN autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) prototype on 7 March 1993, Kongsberg Maritime has been spearheading the development of the sector, and with the latest release of HUGIN Edge, Kongsberg Maritime offers complementary AUV solutions for the rising AUV Market.
The HUGIN range of autonomous underwater vehicles is characterised by great manoeuvrability and high accuracy of stabilisation. Hydrodynamic shape, accurate instruments and excellent battery capacity means these AUVs can be optimised for a variety of industries from oil & gas and renewables to defence and research.
Over time, the range of HUGIN AUVs has evolved to go deeper, longer and carry a larger payload of sensitive data-collecting sensors which has made HUGIN the most successful commercial off-the-shelf autonomous underwater vehicle ever made.