Lockheed Martin’s JAGM-MR tri-mode seeker demonstrates enhanced precision in latest test

Source: Lockheed Martin, Defence Industry Europe

A recent flight test demonstrated Lockheed Martin's JAGM-MR tri-mode seeker and its ability to aid the missile to successfully discriminate between multiple targets.


“This next-generation weapon system offers greater accuracy in both target discrimination and recognition, delivering mission-focused capabilities that will provide our customers with an innovative 21st century security solution,” said Joey Drake, program management director of Air-to-Ground Missile Systems at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “The enhanced tri-mode seeker provides a new level of precision guidance and defense capabilities, allowing JAGM-MR to lock onto the selected target even when there’s multiple targets in the field.”


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JAGM-MR’s tri-mode seeker employs a near-infrared (NIR) sensor, which is a third sensor incorporated into the guidance system compared to JAGM, which utilizes a dual-mode sensor system. The NIR sensor enhances missile performance, allowing for improved target tracking and guidance over a range of conditions and target sets.

“We’re investing in the future of our JAGM product line because not only will it help address much-needed capabilities by our customers, but it will provide them with a turnkey solution for the challenges that they face in today’s complex threat environment,” said Drake.


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While last year’s successful live fire event demonstrated JAGM-MR’s 16 km increased range capability, this year’s guided flight test demonstrated the maturity of the fully functioning tri-mode seeker while concurrently highlighting its ability to target engagement at an increased stand-off range.

JAGM is designed and developed in Orlando, Florida. The weapon system is manufactured across various Lockheed Martin facilities in Dallas; Orlando and Ocala, Florida.; Archibald, Pennsylvania.; and Troy, Alabama. With more than 125,000 HELLFIRE and JAGM missiles produced, JAGM and JAGM-MR are the next-generation systems of choice in critical, precision engagement opportunities.



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