Due to the upheaval in the global political situation, Millog is stepping up its outlays on preparedness and its promotion as well as ensuring the national security of supply. The special theme of 2022 was continuity planning, which supports the company in serving all customers in both ordinary and exceptional circumstances. The company responds to the increased exercise requirements of the Finnish Defence Forces, and develops both its role and operations as a strategic partner.
Millog has continued to acquire new customers. During the year, HR services met the recruitment needs ushered in by Millog’s growth and personnel retirement by hiring a record 177 new employees.
Close cooperation between Millog and the Finnish Defence Forces
Shared incentive models aiming at cost-effectiveness benefited both Millog and the Finnish Defence Forces. Millog’s insights have also come in useful for the Finnish Defence Forces – most of these focus on the development of system performance.
Millog received an order for a lifecycle upgrade to the Finnish Army’s CV9030 infantry fighting vehicles, and successfully completed the upgrade of Jurmo Class landing craft. The national modification work on the K9 howitzers the Finnish Defence Forces acquired from South Korea also progressed according to plan Millog’s repair patrols participate regularly in peacekeeping and military operations around the world, and Millog runs a repair workshop for the Lebanon crisis management operation In the autumn, this repair workshop turned 10 years old.
Millog is making ever-greater use of digitalisation in the development of in-house work. To facilitate the production work performed by installation technicians, the company deployed an intuitive UI for the SAP system.
The cultural change in occupational safety is strongly evident in all activities
In 2017, Millog set the goal of developing its occupational safety to rank among the top four best companies in the Finnish industrial sector. Work on occupational safety is making systematic headway and the cultural change is highly visible in all of the company’s operations, quality of operations and number of accidents.
The accident frequency rate (LTIF3) – that is, the number of occupational accidents leading to sick leave of three days or more, relative to a million hours worked – decreased by 70 per cent year-on-year and amounted to 2.2. Longer-term development of occupational safety reached a major milestone – the number of all occupational accidents has been halved. The number of safety observations submitted by employees is continuing to rise – in 2022, 4,447 observations were made, 4.2 per Millog employee
A systematic approach to responsibility efforts
Millog is forging ahead with its responsible work as a pioneer in national security of supply – genuine responsibility is strongly evident in day-to-day management and choices. Responsibility efforts will be systematised and made even more visible Millog gained public recognition for its responsibility when the Finnish Military Sport Federation honoured the company with the 2022 Vaikutusta kenttään (Impact on the Field) award as an organisation that has distinguished itself in improving personnel wellbeing through exercise.
The shipbreaking and recycling of the first vessel under an environmental permit in Upinniemi was completed smoothly – the Navy’s Kampela Class transport ferry was dismantled, its usable parts and materials were recycled, and other materials were handled appropriately.
M&As generate synergy during growth
Millog’s Authorities and Industry business focuses on enabling organic growth through the productisation of services, the development of sales activities and seeking long-term customers among security-critical actors.
Millog’s wholly-owned subsidiaries are developing their operations – corporate arrangements in autumn 2022 yield synergy for the administrative services of the subsidiaries, which now serve customers with a clearer and more well-rounded product and service offering. The creation of a joint ERP system for the subsidiaries was the major IT project of the Millog companies in 2022.
Millog Marine & Power – a unique Finnish maritime actor
Oy Western Shipyard Ltd, Laivakone Oy and Hämeen Diesel Oy merged to form Millog Marine & Power Oy. This new Finnish marine company offers marine and docking services, field maintenance, and engine, machine, electrical and hydraulic work nationwide under a one-stop-shop principle. The company has a uniquely comprehensive product and service offering in Finland In accordance with its strategy, Millog Marine & Power seeks to acquire new customers and is stepping up the scalability of its operations, such as by building its partner network. Cooperation with the parent company got stronger.
Senop continues to grow, stronger than ever
Senop Oy’s net sales saw growth of more than 30 per cent in 2022. Virve Tuotteet ja Palvelut Oy, which specialises in secure official communications, was merged into the company as its own business area, Senop Communications. Senop engages in proactive and effective cooperation with the Finnish Defence Forces This led to two significant additional orders for equipment to enhance night combat. The company also engages in product development on smart sights for anti-tank weapons in cooperation with Saab.
Source: Patria’s Annual Report 2022.