Norwegian F-35 fighters on Swedish ground for the first time

Source: Swedish Armed Forces

On October 11, for the very first time, Norwegian F 35 fighter aircraft landed in Sweden. The aircraft landed on the Vidsel base in Norrbotten, as part of the Cross Border Training agreement between the Nordic countries.


The Swedish Air Force has long experience of the air force base concept using temporary airfields, something that many other nations’ air forces are very interested in. Norway is now developing an air force base concept to be able to use air bases in other locations, when necessary in a crisis situation.


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“Today’s exercise demonstrates that there is good cooperation between the Swedish and Norwegian air forces. In order to increase their capability, we, as a partner country, are happy to share our long experience of using other air bases, bases and road bases in our Swedish concept with our friends”, says deputy Air Force Chief Tommy Petersson.



The landing on the the Vidsel base went smoothly, despite challenging weather conditions. They were able to land, get the aircraft ready and then take off and continue the exercise.

“This way, the air operational effect is increased and our Nordic cooperation is further deepened”, says Tommy Petersson.



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