U.S.-Ukraine Defence Industrial Base Conference: bolstering Ukraine’s defence and economic recovery

By Defence Industry Europe

On December 6, the United States government hosted the inaugural session of the U.S.-Ukraine Defence Industrial Base Conference at the Department of Commerce. The landmark event, attended by around 350 representatives from U.S., Ukrainian, and European industries and governments, focused on significantly ramping up weapons production to aid Ukraine’s struggle against Russian aggression and to fortify its long-term self-defence capabilities.


This pivotal conference aims to develop a robust and self-reliant Ukrainian defence industrial base. By leveraging Ukraine’s innovative culture, the initiative seeks to provide urgent military materiel while contributing to the nation’s long-term security and economic prosperity. The conference’s initial outcomes are centered on institutionalizing collaborations, processes, and dialogues between industry and governmental partners.



Key initiatives from the conference include:

  1. MSI Embedded Advisor: The Department of State, in collaboration with Congress, plans to appoint an advisor to Ukraine’s Ministry of Strategic Industries. This strategic move is designed to expedite Ukraine’s transition to an interoperable military force, address corruption, and attract foreign investment in key sectors.
  2. Interagency “Ukraine Deal Team”: An interagency team comprising representatives from the Departments of State, Defence, and Commerce has been formed. This team will guide industry, Ukrainian, and other partners on potential deals and export requirements for Ukraine’s defence industry.
  3. Co-production and Technical Data Exchange: A Statement of Intent on Co-production and Technical Data Exchange has been signed between the U.S. Department of Defence, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, and the Ministry for Strategic Industries of Ukraine. This agreement aims to address the urgent operational needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including air defence systems, repair and sustainment, and the production of critical munitions. This Statement of Intent marks a significant step in enhancing cooperation between the U.S. and Ukraine.
  4. Technical Data Package for FrankenSAM Projects: The U.S. Department of Defence and industry partners have provided Ukraine with technical data to commence local production of FrankenSAM projects. These projects aim to upgrade Ukraine’s legacy air defence systems by integrating specific Western munitions. Parallel production in Ukraine and the U.S. will expedite deployment and significantly bolster Ukraine’s ability to maintain its air defence systems.


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These initial deliverables are set to not only enhance U.S.-Ukraine cooperation but also equip Ukraine with the necessary tools for immediate battlefield success and support its long-term economic recovery and defence.


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