Airbus: first two H225M Caracal helicopters delivered to Hungary

By Defence Industry Europe

On July 18, Airbus Helicopters announced that two H225M Caracal helicopters have been delivered to the Hungarian air base located near the city of Szolnok.

This marks the beginning of the H225M helicopter deliveries to the Hungarian Defence Forces. In 2018, the Hungarian Ministry of Defence signed a contract for 16 helicopters of this type. The ordered configuration includes an expanded communication suite, advanced onboard avionics, and integration of the HForce module, which allows for the suspension and use of a wide range of weapon systems.

They will replace the few Mi-17 helicopters in the Hungarian Defence Forces.

In recent years, Hungary has implemented a technical modernization program for its military helicopter fleet. In June 2018, a contract was signed for 20 versatile Airbus H145M helicopters, delivered in three configuration versions: multi-role transport (10), search and rescue (SAR) (5), and attack (5).



According to plans, the remaining 14 H225M helicopters will be delivered by the end of 2024. They are complemented by two Airbus H125 helicopters, purchased in May 2016, which currently serve training purposes.

Hungary is the second user of Airbus H225M helicopters among NATO countries. The above list is soon to expand as the Kingdom of the Netherlands is set to purchase fourteen H225M helicopters from Airbus.



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