Following an open competition, the Cyber Security Services Framework (CSSF) contracts were signed on 12 December 2022 and will be effective as of 1 February this year. The contracts awarded have a ceiling price of 30 million EUR for all IDIQ holders during the contract period. The agreements include two base years and two one-year options.
“These contracts give the NCI Agency the flexibility to get immediate support from two trusted suppliers for the installation and configuration of cyber security assets when so required by our projects or when triggered by any urgent requirement,” said Rebecca Benson, Principal Cyber Security Contracting Officer.
These contracts cover the provision of installation and configuration of cyber security assets across the NATO Enterprise, providing support to the services currently provided by the NATO Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). This framework is a significant milestone on the application of the Agency’s smart sourcing strategy, as it gives NCSC the means to concentrate on its core missions of defending NATO’s networks and implementing new enhanced cyber security capabilities and services.
“By leveraging the expertise of the industry, the NATO Cyber Security Centre can streamline its involvement in project delivery and concentrate on its core missions in support of the secure execution of NATO’s Consultation, Operations and Missions. Specifically, the CSSF contract will give NCSC the ability to absorb more work and be in a stronger position to support the ambitious NATO 2030 Agenda. This approach is an excellent illustration of the new smart sourcing strategy implemented by the NCI Agency and which aims at making the most efficient use of its resources so as to achieve operational excellence and optimize its deliveries across the NATO Enterprise,” said Frederic Jordan, the Head of the Cyber Security Programme Delivery Branch at the NATO Cyber Security Centre.