Spain to arm its Eurofighter jets with Taurus cruise missiles

By Defence Industry Europe

The Spanish Air and Space Force (SASF) has announced its intention to equip its Eurofighter Typhoon jets with the German-engineered Taurus KEPD 350 long-range cruise missiles.


The Taurus KEPD 350, known for its precision and substantial range of 500 kilometers, is designed to strike high-value targets with remarkable accuracy. Developed under the program name Target Adaptive Unitary and Dispenser Robotic Ubiquity System (Alad), the missile has already seen deployment in Germany, which possesses 600 units, and the Republic of Korea with 260 units.


300 x 250


The integration process involves substantial updates to the Typhoon’s onboard systems, specifically the software platforms Halcón I and II. Activation of the missile system on the Typhoons is scheduled for 2026, aligning with the SASF’s plans to phase out its aging fleet of F-18 fighters.

Spain’s investment in the Taurus system dates back to 2005 when the nation acquired 43 air-to-surface missiles for 57.3 million euros. This acquisition package included not only the missiles but also terrestrial training units, integrated logistic support systems, and a comprehensive mission planning architecture. It ensures that the Typhoons are fully prepared to take over the role of the retiring F-18s, with all necessary equipment, support, and training provided.



This upgrade is a clear signal of Spain’s commitment to maintaining a formidable defence posture and keeping pace with advancements in military technology. By incorporating the Taurus missiles into the Eurofighter Typhoon, Spain not only enhances the versatility and combat readiness of its fleet but also ensures a smoother transition away from older technologies.



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