Finland, Sweden and Denmark: Defence Cooperation Agreements with the USA

By Jacek Tarociński (Centre of Eastern Studies)

Sweden, Finland and Denmark signed bilateral Defence Cooperation Agreements (DCAs) with the United States in December.


Under the DCAs, the US ArmedForces have been granted unrestricted access to the military infrastructure (air, sea and land bases) of these countries: 17 locations in Sweden, 15 in Finland and three in Denmark.

The three countries have agreed to provide logistical support to the US Armed Forces on their respective territories, and the United States has declared that it will cover the costs of possible development of military infrastructure for its exclusive use.


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All the three Nordic countries mentioned above have waived their primary right to exercise criminal jurisdiction over US military personnel to the relevant US authorities.

The agreements will come into force after they have been ratified in the parliaments of Sweden, Finland and Denmark, a process which is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2024.


Source: Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW).



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