Bringing together the best of Canadian and Swedish innovation, Saab’s GlobalEye program integrates their renowned radar, command, control and communication systems into a multi-domain airborne surveillance solution using Bombardier’s class-leading Global 6000 aircraft. The highly efficient and agile Global family of aircraft is valued for its ultimate combination of speed, range, and endurance – making it the platform of choice for government defence needs worldwide.
“Our jets are internationally recognized as modern, go-to platforms by some of the world’s largest defence contractors, such as Saab,” said Jean-Christopher Gallagher, Executive Vice-President, Aircraft Sales and Bombardier Defense. “The Global aircraft family represents the right-sized solution for multi-mission, surveillance and VIP transport. Time and time again, it has met customers’ expectations for their most demanding mission needs. The Bombardier team is proud to associate its aircraft with strong partners to create the next-generation defence solutions around the world.”
This latest addition to the Swedish Air Force fleet is yet another example of Bombardier’s long-standing experience in adapting its platforms to specific characteristics of a variety of military services’ individually unique requirements.
Bombardier Defense has dedicated in-house engineering and support teams with the ability to incorporate customer-requested modifications and provide comprehensive integration solutions with full certification capabilities across the full spectrum of civilian, military and hybrid operations. Recognized around the world for its diverse portfolio of proven and versatile specialized aircraft platforms, Bombardier cumulates decades of experience working with hundreds of special mission operators and renowned mission systems integrators.