After the opening ceremony of Adriatic Strike 2023, the Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) from Allies and Partner nations moved to the training areas to work with helicopters, manned and unmanned aerial platforms as well as tanks, mortars and artillery from a series of countries. During simulated air-ground-integration scenarios the JTACs went through agreed standardized tactics, techniques and procedures coordinating fire support with movements and operations of ground troops.
“This eleventh edition of the Adriatic Strike exercise is a great success for Slovenia as it enabled key training with an impressive mix of Allies and Partners, “said Colonel Janez Gaube, Commander of the Slovenian Air Force and Adriatic Strike 2023 director. “We are proud to have hosted nations from the region and from across the Alliance. This multinational environment is critical to enable challenges for the participants that must be solved in a combined and joint manner.
The kick-off for the exercise took place at Cerklje-ob-Krki air base in the bright sunshine. Exercise participants then went through two consecutive days of sometimes torrential rain. Jets and helicopters were unable to launch due to poor visibility and stayed on the ground for safety reasons.
“The weather is what it is,” said Colonel Gaube, “We still managed to achieve the training objectives of the participants. This was because the working of standardized multinational processes is at the heart of Adriatic Strike. Our complex exercise environment and scenario simulating the divisional level right down to the tactical platoon level are supported by digital communication links and command and control arrangements. Increasingly integrating these into the JTAC training was essential and all our participants benefitted from these options – once again because they learned to apply them in a multinational environment,” he concluded.
Exercise Adriatic Strike closed on 9 June. It provided currency training of a critical capability of NATO and Partner air and ground forces needed in virtually any modern combined and joint military operation.