Expando wins rugged server deal for application in NATO country

Source: Expando

Swedish company Expando has signed a contract with a leading defence contractor in NATO, further cementing our position as a trusted provider of rugged computing solution, company announced in a press release. "This new multi-million SEK agreement will supply advanced rugged servers designed to meet the unique challenges of the modern defence environments," Expando said.


“We congratulate our partner on this major investment, which reflects the growing importance of enhancing defence capabilities, particularly in line with NATO’s push to ramp up operational readiness. Expando’s robust solutions are designed to support critical missions, offering the resilience and performance required in extreme conditions”, says Otto Johnson, CEO at Expando.

Expando continues to lead the way for defence customers to reduce risk and time to delivery with military grade, commercial off the shelf (COTS) based solutions that are modified to each customer’s specific needs.


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“Our ability to adapt to the specific requirements of each project, ensures we meet the high standards expected by today’s defence industry,” Expando said in a press release.

Scheduled for delivery in 2025, this order is yet another milestone in Expando’s ongoing journey to advance as a leading provider of defence and aerospace computing solutions in northern Europe, the company said in a statement.



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