U.S. Army seeks new self-propelled guns, European companies compete for export opportunities

By Defence Industry Europe

The U.S. Army has announced the awarding of five contracts for its upcoming Self-Propelled Howitzer (SPH) Performance Demonstration. The contracts, totalling approximately USD 4 million, were awarded to American Rheinmetall Vehicles, BAE Systems Bofors, Hanwha Defense USA, General Dynamics Land Systems, and Elbit Systems USA under Other Transaction Agreements (OTA).


The Self-Propelled Howitzer Modernisation (SPH-M) programme, previously known as the Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA), aims to enhance howitzer lethality through improved range and rate of fire. It focuses on using proven technology to boost mobility, survivability, reliability, and overall effectiveness.



In October 2023, the Army decided to close the ERCA Rapid Prototyping effort due to the need for further development and redesign of the 58-caliber cannon. Maj. Gen. Glenn Dean, Program Executive Officer for Ground Combat Systems, stated that the Army is exploring both U.S. and international solutions to fill critical capability gaps.


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The performance demonstrations, set to begin in November 2024, will inform the Army’s Cannon Transformation Strategy and guide the shift from development to procurement of a mature, off-the-shelf system. The Army plans to complete all demonstrations by the end of 2024, with the goal of identifying operationally suitable solutions for a potential future production contract.


Source: U.S. Army.



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